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Task Force on Preventing Firearm Injuries and Deaths

In 2022, the NAM established a task force to advance critical research and interventions to prevent firearm-related injuries and deaths. Members of the task force identified greater and more sustained research funding for firearm injury prevention as a foremost priority. Scientific research is uniquely capable of unlocking lifesaving solutions to complex societal challenges, as has been demonstrated time and again in the United States. Currently, funding for research into firearm injury prevention is inadequate to see impact on the scale we need. With greater and sustained funding, we can generate innovative, cross-sectoral solutions that prevent firearm injuries while respecting the rights of U.S. citizens.

Using Science to Reduce Firearm Injuries and Deaths

Discussion Paper, NAM Perspectives | October 8, 2023

Task Force Members

  • Theodore Corbin (Co-Chair),聽Chairperson, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University
  • Rebecca Cunningham (Co-Chair),聽Professor of Emergency Medicine, Vice President for Research, and Principal Investigator, Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens, University of Michigan
  • Mark Rosenberg (Co-Chair),聽President Emeritus, Task Force for Global Health
  • Charles Branas, Chair, Department of Epidemiology, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
  • Shani Buggs, Assistant Professor, Violence Prevention Research Program, University of California, Davis
  • Jody Heymann, Distinguished Professor and Dean Emeritus, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Sterling Haring, Interventional Pain Physician, Southwell (2022-2024 NAM Osteopathic Medicine Fellow)
  • Richard Jackson, Professor Emeritus, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Anil Jain, University Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University
  • Julie Parsonnet, Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology, and Public Health, Stanford University
  • Ben Weston, Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin (2022-2024 NAM Fellow to Advance State Health Policy)

Contact: NAMedicine@nas.edu

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